Londres caridad Spitalfields Cripta Trust (SCT), se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de una nueva exposición como el evento más importante de las celebraciones de su aniversario de oro.
Del 17 al 27 de junio (09 a.m.-7 p.m.) en la galería theprintspace en Shoreditch, Londres, 'En la Oscuridad, la Luz' mostrará retratos de famosos de la tv y la música fotografiados por Lawrence Watson - inspirado por el efecto transformador que Spitalfields Cripta Trst (SCT) tiene en la vida de cientos de personas en su recuperación de adicción a las drogas y el alcohol.
La fotografía es una reminiscencia de la fotografía de retrato de Londres en la década de los 60, cuando swingning SCT fue fundada. La fuerte luz y sombra en todas las fotografías están destinados a provocar reflexiones sobre nuestras asociaciones con la oscuridad y la luz. Lawrence ha fotografiado retratos icónicos de grandes de la música como David Bowie, James Brown, Run DMC y Noel Gallagher, para nombrar unos pocos.
También con las caras de algunas celebridades conocidas, locales de las artes y mundo cultural, las personas cuyas vidas han sido afectadas por la adicción y / o la falta de vivienda, o se ven afectados por estos problemas. Incluyendo el cineasta Ken Loach, el aclamado actor de cine y Jonathan Pryce, actor de televisión y personalidad Denise Walsh, el músico de rock Noel Gallagher, Jo Wood y el novelista Diran Adebayo.
Jo Wood in the exhibition "In the darkness, Light '
London charity Spitalfields Crypt Trust (SCT), is delighted to announce the launch of a new exhibition as the pinnacle event of its golden anniversary celebrations.
From the 17th-27th June (9am-7pm) at theprintspace gallery in Shoreditch, London, 'In Darkness, Light' will display portraits by local boy and music photographer Lawrence Watson - inspired by the transformative effect that Spitalfields Crypt Trst (SCT) has had on the lives of hundreds of people in recovery from drug and alcohol addictions.
The photography is reminiscent of London portrait photography in the swingning 60's, when SCT was founded. The strong light and shadow in all of the photographs are intended to provoke reflections on our associations with darkness and light. Lawrence has photographed iconic portraits of music greats including David Bowie, James Brown, Run DMC and Noel Gallagher, to name a few.
Also featuring the faces of some well-known celebrities, Spitalfields locals from the arts and cultural world, people whose lives have been impacted by addiction and/or homelessness, or are concerned by these issues. Including film-maker Ken Loach, acclaimed theatre and film actor Jonathon Pryce, TV actor and personality Denise Walsh (coronation street/loose women), rock musician Noel Gallagher, Jo Wood and novelist Diran Adebayo.
From the 17th-27th June (9am-7pm) at theprintspace gallery in Shoreditch, London, 'In Darkness, Light' will display portraits by local boy and music photographer Lawrence Watson - inspired by the transformative effect that Spitalfields Crypt Trst (SCT) has had on the lives of hundreds of people in recovery from drug and alcohol addictions.
The photography is reminiscent of London portrait photography in the swingning 60's, when SCT was founded. The strong light and shadow in all of the photographs are intended to provoke reflections on our associations with darkness and light. Lawrence has photographed iconic portraits of music greats including David Bowie, James Brown, Run DMC and Noel Gallagher, to name a few.
Also featuring the faces of some well-known celebrities, Spitalfields locals from the arts and cultural world, people whose lives have been impacted by addiction and/or homelessness, or are concerned by these issues. Including film-maker Ken Loach, acclaimed theatre and film actor Jonathon Pryce, TV actor and personality Denise Walsh (coronation street/loose women), rock musician Noel Gallagher, Jo Wood and novelist Diran Adebayo.
Foto de Jo Wood por Lawrence Watson para la exposición 'En la oscuridad, la Luz'
Jo Wood shot by Lawrence Watson for "in darkness light "exhibition
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