Este escandaloso titular aparece el Mail Online: Ronnie Wood saca a la venta un cuadro pintado por él donde aparece desnuda su esposa, Sally Humpreys. Luego suaviza o pule la noticia, al aclarar que la señora del cuadro guarda un asombroso parecido con Sally. La obra sale a la venta por 200.000 libras en la Castle Fine Art Gallery del barrio de Mayfair en Londres, de la que Ronnie Wood es artista residente.
El retrato, titulado simplemente Sally, lo pintó Wood en diciembre del 2012, y representa a una mujer de rodillas, con las piernas abiertas y los brazos recogidos detrás de la nuca. Como pintor, el músico ha recibido elogiosas críticas en todo el mundo, donde se han visto sus trabajos que incluyen retratos de sus compañeros de grupo, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards y Charie Watts. Curiosidad: asegura que cuando pinta se inspira escuchando música de Mozart.
Ronnie Wood, puts a nude portrait of his wife Sally Humphreys, up for sale for £200,000
This shocking headline appears the Mail Online: Ronnie Wood takes on sale a picture painted by him where his wife , Sally Humphreys appears nude . After smoothing or polishing the news, to clarify that lady picture bears a striking resemblance to Sally . The book goes on sale for 200,000 pounds at the Castle Fine Art Gallery in London 's Mayfair , which is based artist Ronnie Wood .
The portrait, simply titled Sally , painted Wood in December 2012 , and depicts a woman kneeling with her legs spread and arms collected behind the neck . As a painter , the musician has received rave reviews worldwide , where they have seen their works including portraits of his bandmates Mick Jagger, Keith Richards and Charie Watts. Curiosity : ensures that when painting was inspired listening to music by Mozart.
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