El líder de los Rolling Stones y su familia partieron a las 12:40 p.m. del aeropuerto cusqueño y su próximo destino sería Sao Paulo
Cusco (Andina). Mick Jagger, dejó hoy el Perú tras recorrer Lima, conocer la biodiversidad de Madre de Dios y quedar maravillado por la ciudadela de Machu Picchu durante su estancia de nueve días en nuestro país.
acompañado de su familia, partió, a las 12:40 horas del aeropuerto Teniente Alejandro Velasco Astete de Cusco, rumbo a Sao Paulo, en Brasil, a bordo de la avioneta privada de matrícula OB-1703. Se prevé que haga escala en la ciudad de Santa Cruz, en Bolivia.
Jagger, quien llegó a Cusco el miércoles, se mostró sonriente con los trabajadores del terminal aéreo y turistas que lo reconocieron y no dejaban de corear su nombre. vestía camisa azul, pantalón gris y zapatillas, además de lentes oscuros y una gorra. En el brazo izquierdo llevaba una casaca.
El jefe de División de Seguridad del Estado en Cusco, comandante Luis Bravo Tejada, informó que la custodia del artista estuvo a cargo de 25 policías, quienes coordinaron en todo momento con la seguridad privada de la estrella.
Bravo Tejeda precisó que el grupo estuvo integrado por efectivos de Seguridad del Estado y la Policía de Turismo e Inteligencia, quienes resaltaron la amabilidad del legendario cantante.
Asimismo, el oficial destacó que se cumplió con éxito el resguardo tras comentar que la Policía inspeccionó con anticipación cada lugar al que iba a llegar el cantante para descartar un eventual riesgo.
“Se ha cumplido una labor estratégica que ha demostrado que la Policía está preparada para garantizar la seguridad de cualquier celebridad que nos visite”, declaró a la Agencia Andina.
Mick Jagger left Cusco and be directed to Brazil
The leader of the Rolling Stones and his family left at 12:40 pmCusco airport and his next destination would be Sao Paulo
Cuzco (Andean). Mick Jagger, left today after visiting Peru, Lima, knowing the biodiversity of Mother of God and be amazed by the citadel of Machu Picchu during their nine-day stay in our country.
with his family, left, at 12:40 hours from the airport TenienteAlejandro Velasco Astete Cusco, heading for Sao Paulo, Brazil,on board the private plane OB-1703 registration. It is expected that calling in the city of Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Jagger, who arrived in Cusco on Wednesday, was smiling withair terminal workers and tourists who recognized him and they kept chanting his name. wearing blue shirt, gray trousers and slippers, as well as sunglasses and a hat. In the left arm he wore a coat.
The head of State Security Division in Cusco, Luis Bravo Tejadacommander, said the custody of the artist was responsible for 25 police officers, who coordinated all the time with private securityof the star.
Tejeda Bravo said the group was composed by members ofState Security and the Tourist Police and Intelligence, who highlighted the friendliness of the legendary singer.
Also, the official stressed that successfully completed the shelterafter commenting that the police searched every place aheadwas going to get the singer to rule out a possible risk.
"It has played a strategic work has shown that the police areprepared to guarantee the security of any celebrity who visit us," he told Andina.
The leader of the Rolling Stones and his family left at 12:40 pmCusco airport and his next destination would be Sao Paulo
Cuzco (Andean). Mick Jagger, left today after visiting Peru, Lima, knowing the biodiversity of Mother of God and be amazed by the citadel of Machu Picchu during their nine-day stay in our country.
with his family, left, at 12:40 hours from the airport TenienteAlejandro Velasco Astete Cusco, heading for Sao Paulo, Brazil,on board the private plane OB-1703 registration. It is expected that calling in the city of Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Jagger, who arrived in Cusco on Wednesday, was smiling withair terminal workers and tourists who recognized him and they kept chanting his name. wearing blue shirt, gray trousers and slippers, as well as sunglasses and a hat. In the left arm he wore a coat.
The head of State Security Division in Cusco, Luis Bravo Tejadacommander, said the custody of the artist was responsible for 25 police officers, who coordinated all the time with private securityof the star.
Tejeda Bravo said the group was composed by members ofState Security and the Tourist Police and Intelligence, who highlighted the friendliness of the legendary singer.
Also, the official stressed that successfully completed the shelterafter commenting that the police searched every place aheadwas going to get the singer to rule out a possible risk.
"It has played a strategic work has shown that the police areprepared to guarantee the security of any celebrity who visit us," he told Andina.
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