The Sunday Times
Empresarios, celebridades, y estrellas del mundo del espectáculo en Gran Bretaña, entre ellos el vocalista de los Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger, evaden al fisco británico por más de 1.500 millones de dólares, al registrar sus propiedades en compañías offshore, y de esa forma evitar pagar impuestos multimillonarios.
Según informó el dominical Sunday Times, al menos 94.760 mansiones, casas de campo y hasta castillos británicos fueron registrados en compañías con sede en paraísos fiscales, de acuerdo a datos obtenidos del Registro de Tierras.
La evasión fiscal incluye transferir el título de una vivienda a una compañía offshore, como hicieron Mick Jagger, Bob Geldof, el exBeatle Ringo Starr y el dueño de la acerera Mittal, el indio Lakshmi Mittal, entre otros.
La mayoría de las propiedades en cuestión están en el centro de Londres, uno de los mercados inmobiliarios más lucrativos del mundo. Debido a que esas ventas son consideradas como transacciones corporativas, en lugar de simples ventas de casas, son excluidas de pagar el impuesto hipotecario.
Ello significa que mientras que una familia que compra una casa por 400.000 libras esterlinas debe pagar 12.000 libras de impuestos de propiedad, los multimillonarios que compran a través de las firmas offshore no pagan ninguna tasa.
El Sunday Times calculó que dichos empresarios y celebridades están evadiendo al fisco británico por hasta un total de 1.500 millones de dólares. El paraíso fiscal más utilizado por los evasores del país es la Isla de Man, con 23.147 propiedades registradas desde enero de 1999
Mick Jagger, evader?
The Sunday Times
Businessmen, celebrities and stars of show business in Britain, including the Rolling Stones singer, Mick Jagger,evade the British Treasury over 1,500 million dollars, to register their property in offshore companies, and thus billionaire avoid paying taxes.
According to Sunday Times reported Sunday, at least 94,760houses, cottages and even castles were recorded in Britishcompanies based in tax havens, according to data from theLand Registry.
Tax evasion includes transferring the title of a property to an offshore company, as did Mick Jagger, Bob Geldof, RingoStarr exBeatle and the owner of steelmaker Mittal, the IndianLakshmi Mittal, among others.
Most of the properties in question are at the heart of London, one of the most lucrative property markets in the world.Because these sales are considered corporate transactions, rather than simple home sales are excluded from paying themortgage tax.
This means that while a family that buys a house for 400,000pounds 12,000 pounds must pay property tax, the billionaireswho buy through offshore firms do not pay any fee.
The Sunday Times estimated that these entrepreneurs and celebrities are evading the British Treasury for a total of 1,500million dollars. The most widely used tax haven for tax evadersin the country is the Isle of Man, with 23,147 properties registered since January 1999.
The Sunday Times
Businessmen, celebrities and stars of show business in Britain, including the Rolling Stones singer, Mick Jagger,evade the British Treasury over 1,500 million dollars, to register their property in offshore companies, and thus billionaire avoid paying taxes.
According to Sunday Times reported Sunday, at least 94,760houses, cottages and even castles were recorded in Britishcompanies based in tax havens, according to data from theLand Registry.
Tax evasion includes transferring the title of a property to an offshore company, as did Mick Jagger, Bob Geldof, RingoStarr exBeatle and the owner of steelmaker Mittal, the IndianLakshmi Mittal, among others.
Most of the properties in question are at the heart of London, one of the most lucrative property markets in the world.Because these sales are considered corporate transactions, rather than simple home sales are excluded from paying themortgage tax.
This means that while a family that buys a house for 400,000pounds 12,000 pounds must pay property tax, the billionaireswho buy through offshore firms do not pay any fee.
The Sunday Times estimated that these entrepreneurs and celebrities are evading the British Treasury for a total of 1,500million dollars. The most widely used tax haven for tax evadersin the country is the Isle of Man, with 23,147 properties registered since January 1999.
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