(12 de Diciembre , tercera y última parte)
10 a 12 Diciembre: London, Intertel Studios. Rodaje de 'The Rolling Stones Rock'n Roll Circus'.
En : "Los viejos dioses nunca mueren" :
Para presentar a los Dirty Mac, Mick se disfrazó de Allen Klein, con un suéter de color azul pastel y un jersey de cuello alto. Imitando la forma de hablar en público y el acento de Allen Klein, entrevistó a Lennon en el papel de "Winston Legthigh" en los camerinos mientras John comía un plato de arroz con palillos . Los Dirty Mac salieron al escenario monentos después de las diez y atacaron con "Yer Blues", una pieza del White Album que contenía el verso "Ifeel so suicidal, just Dylan´s Mr Jones" ("tengo ganas de suicidarme, tanto como el Mr Jones de Dylan"). Yoko Ono estaba estirada sobre un saco negro a los pies de John Lennon y le cogía la mano entre toma y toma . Eric Clapton tocó un par de ardienntes solos de guitarra, ganándose el sitio en lo que sería la Plastic Ono Band tras la disolución de los Beatles un año después. Tras "Yer Blues", Ivi Gitlis se integró al conjunto para una improvisación de rhythm and blues, con Yoko añadiendo sus punzantes gritos de sirena de alarma a la mezcla (más tarde la pieza se tituló "Her Blues")
Siguieron los Who, recién llegados de una gira americana, y calientes al máximo. Hicieron varias tomas de la mini-ópera de Pete Townshend "A Quick One (While He´s Away)" , cada una mejor que la anterior, finalizando en un clímax abrasador de enérgicos acordes con el brazo al estilo molino de viento y la descarga cerrada de los redobles de la batería de Keith Moon. Los Who se mostraron tan poderosamente encendidos que pusieron de manifiesto que tocar después de ellos era imposible.
Pasaron tres horas desde que los músicos se tomaron un descanso para comer y que el escenario en forma de T de los Stones estuviera a punto preparado por Stu. Algunos miembros del público se fueron para coger los últimos trenes de la noche. Finalmente, a las 2 de la mañana, los Rolling Stones con Nicky Hopkins y Rocky Dijon empezaron a calentar. El aspecto del conjunto era magnífico: el pelo de Mick era más largo que nunca, todavía castaño oscuro por su papel de Turner. Keef lucía su característico corte de melena e incluso el pelo de Charlie caía por debajo de los hombros. Brian presentaba un aspecto perfecto, pero rasgueaba la guitarra apáticamente, siempre con el mismo gesto (intentó presentar una de las actuaciones circenses pero apenas pudo decir su texto). Bill Wyman lucía botas de terciopelo rosa y tocó magníficamente, como siempre.
Los focos y las cámaras estaban a punto, vy el conjunto empezó a atacar canciones : Jumpin Jack Flash, Parachute Woman, No Expectations, una y otra vez. Las largas pausas entre canciones se llenaron con discusiones con el director y Glyn Johns sobre si era necesario una nueva toma. You can´t always get what you want, se interpretó por primera vez en público alrededor de las 4 de la mañana, con Mick cantándola directamente a Marianne, que estaba sentada a un lado fuera de cuadro . Otra toma mirando a la cámara, fue sensacional y viva a medida que Mick se relajó y se puso a bailar. Brian no se aclaraba con los acordes, así que Keith tuvo que dominar la canción sin guitarra rítmica.
Agotados y exhaustos , Los Stones hicieron un par de tomas de Sympathy for de devil a las cinco de la mañana con Rocky Dijon golpeando sus congas y Nicky Hopkins dando una paliza a las teclas del piano mientras Mick se desgarraba la camisa, descubriendo un diablo pintado en su pecho . Keith arrancó un ardiente solo de guitarra con Mick retorciéndose en el suelo del escenario . Fué una actuación importante y apasionada que reveló la oscuridad escondida en el interior de la canción.
La noche terminó a las seis de la mañana, con Keith y Mick cantando juntos sobre la pista instrumental de "Salt of the Earth" , sentados entre el público con los Who y sus ayudantes hacienodo el payaso a su alrededor . Con todo el mundo bailando y pasándolo bien, el público que quedaba se marcho a esperar los autobuses. Mick y Keith les dieron la mano y les agradecieron que se hubieran quedado. Bill Wyman pensó que todo en general fué un montón de risas y un espíritu magnifico .
Fué la última aparición de Brian Jones con los Stones
Mick se disgustó cuando vió el metraje grabado de Rock and Roll Circus un par de días después. Los Rolling Stones la habían cagado . Estaban obviamente en baja forma y habían sido barridos del escenario por los clamorosos Who. A partir de un cierto interés por la película por parte de London Weekend Televisión, Michael Lindsay-Hogg hizo un montaje, reduciendo el metraje a una hora.
Peter Swales: Fuimos a ver la primera versión de Circus en una pequeña sala de pases privados en el Soho. Allen Klein se sentó al lado de Jagger y, allí mismo se cargó la película.
Dijo: No me gusta ! ¿sabéis por qué? ¡Porque los Who os hacen desaparecer de vuestro propio escenario! Era todo lo que tenía que decir .
Al borde del pánico, los Stones planearon filmar de nuevo su propia secuencia de canciones, pero les habría costado 10.000 libras más y no lo hicieron. Circus quedó obsoleta cuando Brian murió al año siguiente, y cuando los Stones se separaron de Klein en 1970, éste se quedó con la película. Aún pasarían veinticinco años antes de que Klein finalmente lanzara la película en casete de vídeo, con casi todos de acuerdo en que era una maravillosa obra de la época .
en Stone Alone , Bill Wyman dice al respecto:
Cuando Mick vio las precipitaciones de la filmación, insistió en que nuestras actuaciones no estaban a la altura, puesto que habíamos salido tan tarde y tan cansados. La audiencia también carecía de chispa en la película por la misma razón. Se encargó el presupuesto de un nuevo rodaje, pero salía por 10.300 libras, y no se hizo nada. Rock And Roll Circus se está llenando de polvo, como otro costoso capricho (*)
(*) Cuando The Who estaban reuniendo filmaciones para su película de 1971 Quadrophenia, solicitaron su fragmento de ese espectáculo. Se lo dimos y lo incluyeron en la película. En el momento que escribo (1990) , ¡todavía estamos esperando a que nos lo devuelvan!. En 1989, durante nuestra gira por América, icluimos una canción del circo , "You Can Always Get What You Want", en un programa cde televisión retrospectivo de dos horas titulado "35 x 5"
Rolling Stones, a December 12 ....., 1968
(December 12. Third and last part)
10-12 December: London, Intertel Studios. Filming of 'The Rolling Stones Rock'n Roll Circus'.
Rolling Stones, a December 12 .......
In: "The old gods never die"
To submit to the Dirty Mac, Mick Allen Klein dressed up with a powder-blue sweater and a turtleneck sweater. Imitating the form of public speaking and accent of Allen Klein, interviewed Lennon on the role of "Winston Legthigh" in the dressing room while John ate a plate of rice with chopsticks. The Dirty Mac came on stage after ten minute tour and attacked with "Yer Blues", a piece of the White Album which contained the line "iFeel so suicidal, just Dylan's Mr Jones" ("I have wanted to kill myself, as much as Dylan's Mr Jones "). Yoko Ono was stretched over a black bag at the feet of John Lennon and took her hand between takes. Eric Clapton ardienntes hit a couple of guitar solos, earning the site in what would be the Plastic Ono Band after the dissolution of the Beatles a year later. After "Yer Blues", Ivi Gitlis he joined the outfit for rhythm and blues improvisation with Yoko adding her screams piercing siren to the mix (later the piece was titled "Her Blues")Who followed, fresh from an American tour, and hot to the max. It took several shots of the mini-opera by Pete Townshend "A Quick One (While He's Away)", each better than the last, ending in a scorching climax in line with the strong arm windmill style and unloading closed the battery fills Keith Moon. The Who were so powerfully lit which showed that playing after them was impossible.It was three hours after the musicians took a break to eat and that the T-shaped stage of the Stones were about ready for Stu. Some audience members were to catch the last train of the night. Finally, at 2 am, the Rolling Stones with Nicky Hopkins and Rocky Dijon began to heat up. The appearance of the whole was great: Mick's hair was longer than ever, still dark brown for her role as Turner. Keef was wearing his trademark hair cut and even Charlie's hair fell below her shoulders.Brian had to look perfect, but the guitar strumming listlessly, always with the same gesture (tried to present a circus performances but could hardly say his text). Bill Wyman wore pink velvet boots and played superbly, as usual.
The lights and the cameras were ready, v began to attack the whole songs: Jumpin Jack Flash, Parachute Woman, No Expectations, again and again. The long pauses between songs were filled with discussions with the director and Glyn Johns about whether they needed a new outlet. You can not always get what you want, is first performed in public at around 4 am, with Mick singing directly to Marianne, who was sitting to one side out of the picture. Another decision facing the camera, was sensational and Mick live as relaxed and began to dance. Brian did not clarify with the chords, so Keith had to master the song without rhythm guitar.Weary and exhausted, the Stones did a couple of shots of Sympathy for the devil at five in the morning with Rocky Dijon beating their congas and Nicky Hopkins beating up the piano keys while Mick tore his shirt, revealing a painted devil on his chest.Keith started a blazing guitar solo with Mick writhing on the stage floor. It was an important and passionate performance that revealed the dark hidden inside the song.
The night ended at six o'clock, with Keith and Mick singing together on the instrumental track "Salt of the Earth", sitting in the audience with the Who and his assistants hacienodo clown around. With everyone dancing and having fun, the audience was left to wait for buses. Mick and Keith they shook hands and thanked them that they had stayed. Bill Wyman generally thought everything was a lot of laughs and a wonderful spirit.It was the last appearance with the Stones' Brian Jones
Mick was angry when he saw the footage recorded Rock and Roll Circus a couple of days later. The Rolling Stones had screwed up. They were obviously in bad shape and had been swept off the stage by the clamorous Who. Based on a true interest in the film by London Weekend Television, Michael Lindsay-Hogg made a montage, cutting the footage to an hour.Peter Swales: We went to see the first version of Circus in a small private room in Soho passes. Allen Klein sat next to Jagger and spot film was loaded.He said: I do not like! Do you know why? Because you do disappear Who your own stage! It was all he had to say.At the edge of panic, the Stones planned to shoot again its own sequence of songs, but would have cost 10,000 pounds more and did not. Circus became obsolete when Brian died the following year, and when the Stones were separated from Klein in 1970, he stayed with the film. Even twenty-five years would that Klein finally released the film on video cassette, with nearly all agree it was a wonderful work of the time.
Stone Alone, Bill Wyman explains:When Mick saw rainfall of the film, insisted that our performances were not up to it, since we had come so late and so tired. The hearing also lacked spark in the film for the same reason. Budget was commissioned a new shoot, but left for 10,300 pounds, and nothing was done. Rock And Roll Circus is filling up with dust, and other fancy expensive (*)
(*) When The Who were gathering footage for his 1971 film Quadrophenia, requested their portion of that show. We gave it and included it in the film. At the time of writing (1990), we are still waiting to return it to us!. In 1989, during our tour of America, include the incorporation of a circus song, "You Can Always Get What You Want", a television program cde two-hour retrospective titled "35 x 5"
(December 12. Third and last part)
10-12 December: London, Intertel Studios. Filming of 'The Rolling Stones Rock'n Roll Circus'.
Rolling Stones, a December 12 .......
In: "The old gods never die"
To submit to the Dirty Mac, Mick Allen Klein dressed up with a powder-blue sweater and a turtleneck sweater. Imitating the form of public speaking and accent of Allen Klein, interviewed Lennon on the role of "Winston Legthigh" in the dressing room while John ate a plate of rice with chopsticks. The Dirty Mac came on stage after ten minute tour and attacked with "Yer Blues", a piece of the White Album which contained the line "iFeel so suicidal, just Dylan's Mr Jones" ("I have wanted to kill myself, as much as Dylan's Mr Jones "). Yoko Ono was stretched over a black bag at the feet of John Lennon and took her hand between takes. Eric Clapton ardienntes hit a couple of guitar solos, earning the site in what would be the Plastic Ono Band after the dissolution of the Beatles a year later. After "Yer Blues", Ivi Gitlis he joined the outfit for rhythm and blues improvisation with Yoko adding her screams piercing siren to the mix (later the piece was titled "Her Blues")Who followed, fresh from an American tour, and hot to the max. It took several shots of the mini-opera by Pete Townshend "A Quick One (While He's Away)", each better than the last, ending in a scorching climax in line with the strong arm windmill style and unloading closed the battery fills Keith Moon. The Who were so powerfully lit which showed that playing after them was impossible.It was three hours after the musicians took a break to eat and that the T-shaped stage of the Stones were about ready for Stu. Some audience members were to catch the last train of the night. Finally, at 2 am, the Rolling Stones with Nicky Hopkins and Rocky Dijon began to heat up. The appearance of the whole was great: Mick's hair was longer than ever, still dark brown for her role as Turner. Keef was wearing his trademark hair cut and even Charlie's hair fell below her shoulders.Brian had to look perfect, but the guitar strumming listlessly, always with the same gesture (tried to present a circus performances but could hardly say his text). Bill Wyman wore pink velvet boots and played superbly, as usual.
The lights and the cameras were ready, v began to attack the whole songs: Jumpin Jack Flash, Parachute Woman, No Expectations, again and again. The long pauses between songs were filled with discussions with the director and Glyn Johns about whether they needed a new outlet. You can not always get what you want, is first performed in public at around 4 am, with Mick singing directly to Marianne, who was sitting to one side out of the picture. Another decision facing the camera, was sensational and Mick live as relaxed and began to dance. Brian did not clarify with the chords, so Keith had to master the song without rhythm guitar.Weary and exhausted, the Stones did a couple of shots of Sympathy for the devil at five in the morning with Rocky Dijon beating their congas and Nicky Hopkins beating up the piano keys while Mick tore his shirt, revealing a painted devil on his chest.Keith started a blazing guitar solo with Mick writhing on the stage floor. It was an important and passionate performance that revealed the dark hidden inside the song.
The night ended at six o'clock, with Keith and Mick singing together on the instrumental track "Salt of the Earth", sitting in the audience with the Who and his assistants hacienodo clown around. With everyone dancing and having fun, the audience was left to wait for buses. Mick and Keith they shook hands and thanked them that they had stayed. Bill Wyman generally thought everything was a lot of laughs and a wonderful spirit.It was the last appearance with the Stones' Brian Jones
Mick was angry when he saw the footage recorded Rock and Roll Circus a couple of days later. The Rolling Stones had screwed up. They were obviously in bad shape and had been swept off the stage by the clamorous Who. Based on a true interest in the film by London Weekend Television, Michael Lindsay-Hogg made a montage, cutting the footage to an hour.Peter Swales: We went to see the first version of Circus in a small private room in Soho passes. Allen Klein sat next to Jagger and spot film was loaded.He said: I do not like! Do you know why? Because you do disappear Who your own stage! It was all he had to say.At the edge of panic, the Stones planned to shoot again its own sequence of songs, but would have cost 10,000 pounds more and did not. Circus became obsolete when Brian died the following year, and when the Stones were separated from Klein in 1970, he stayed with the film. Even twenty-five years would that Klein finally released the film on video cassette, with nearly all agree it was a wonderful work of the time.
Stone Alone, Bill Wyman explains:When Mick saw rainfall of the film, insisted that our performances were not up to it, since we had come so late and so tired. The hearing also lacked spark in the film for the same reason. Budget was commissioned a new shoot, but left for 10,300 pounds, and nothing was done. Rock And Roll Circus is filling up with dust, and other fancy expensive (*)
(*) When The Who were gathering footage for his 1971 film Quadrophenia, requested their portion of that show. We gave it and included it in the film. At the time of writing (1990), we are still waiting to return it to us!. In 1989, during our tour of America, include the incorporation of a circus song, "You Can Always Get What You Want", a television program cde two-hour retrospective titled "35 x 5"
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