miércoles, 21 de enero de 2015

Arte Stone : Exposicion "Fuorilingua - Estirandolingua" (stretching tongue) exito en Milan en 2014! Proximamente en Recife , Brasil, Junio 2015!

 Exposicion "Fuorilingua - Estirandolingua" (stretching tongue) - fuè un exito total en Milan,  Italia 

Aqui las Imagenes , de la exposicion , realizada en : Ponte degli Artisti "la Scaletta dell'Arte e Oltre"en Abril de 2014 

Ahora , con la incorporaciòn de Artistas Brasileros , la exposicion , se traslada a Recife , Brasil , en Junio de 2015 

Stone Art: Exhibition "Fuorilingua - Estirandolingua" (stretching tongue) success in Milan in 2014! (coming in Recife, Brazil, June 2015)

  Exhibition "Fuorilingua - Estirandolingua" (stretching tongue) - was a total success in Milan, Italy

Here the images of the exhibition held in: Ponte degli Artisti "Scaletta dell'Arte and the Oltre" in April 2014

Now, with the addition of Brazilian artists, the exhibition, he moved to Recife, Brazil, in June 2015

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