Se aconseja a los usuarios del tren evitar la estaci贸n de Coventry Arena
Los jefes de trenes emitieron una advertencia de viaje a los asistentes antes del concierto del s谩bado de The Rolling Stones, y aconsejaron a los pasajeros que no tomen el tren.
Con miles de personas esperadas en el Ricoh Arena para el aguardado concierto, West Midlands Railway ha advertido que sus servicios ser谩n m谩s intensos de lo normal entre Coventry y Nuneaton.
Han aconsejado a aquellos que buscan viajar desde Coventry hasta la Ricoh Arena para el concierto que tomen un servicio de transporte desde la estaci贸n de tren de Coventry, pero tiene un costo adicional de £ 5.
Sin embargo, se espera que este servicio sea m谩s frecuente que los trenes a la Arena, que funcionan solo una vez por hora.
El servicio tambi茅n corre a trav茅s de Nuneaton, y el concierto probablemente afectar谩 el viaje de aquellos que acaban de pasar por la estaci贸n de trenes Arena.
West Midlands Railway public贸 el mensaje, diciendo: "El s谩bado 2 de junio se espera que los trenes est茅n m谩s concurridos de lo normal entre Cov y Nuneaton debido a un evento en Ricoh Arena. Se recomienda que los pasajeros que deseen viajar a Coventry Arena viajen a Cov desde donde se proporcionar谩n frecuentes servicios de transporte por carretera a Ricoh Arena (se aplica un cargo de £ 5) ".
¿Por qu茅 no usar los trenes?
La raz贸n por la que se desaconseja a los pasajeros el uso de los trenes se debe a la capacidad limitada que tienen.
Un tren viaja entre Coventry y Coventry Arena , 42 minutos despu茅s de la hora. Esto es atendido por un tren de un carro Clase 153, que solo puede transportar 72 pasajeros.
La estaci贸n de Arena tiene la capacidad y las instalaciones para hasta seis servicios de autocares, pero West Midlands Railway no tiene suficiente material rodante para operar la estaci贸n a plena capacidad.
Por Elis Sandford Gracias
The Rolling Stones in Ricoh Arena, Coventry . Train travel warning issued ahead of Rolling Stones gig in Coventry 馃嚞馃嚙馃幐 (DETAILS)
Rail users are being advised to avoid Coventry Arena Station
Train bosses have issued a travel warning to concert goers ahead of Saturday's Rolling Stones gig - advising passengers against taking the train.
With thousands of people expected at the Ricoh Arena for the highly anticipated gig, West Midlands Railway have warned that their services will be busier than normal between Coventry and Nuneaton.
They have advised those looking to travel from Coventry to the Ricoh Arena for the gig to catch a shuttle service from Coventry Railway Station instead - but it comes at an additional cost of £5.
However, this service is expected to be more frequent than trains to the Arena - which run just once an hour.
The service also runs through to Nuneaton , and the concert will likely impact the journey of those just passing through Arena Railway station.
West Midlands Railway posted the message , saying: "On Sat 2 June trains are expected to be busier than normal between Cov & Nuneaton due to an event at Ricoh Arena. Customers intending to travel to Coventry Arena are recommended to travel to Cov from where frequent road shuttles will be provided to Ricoh Arena (£5 charge applies)."
Why not use the trains?
The reason that passengers are being advised against using the trains is due to the limited capacity that they carry.
One train travels between Coventry and Coventry Arena an hour, at 42 minutes past the hour. This is serviced by a one carriage Class 153 train, which can only carry 72 passengers.
Frustratingly, the station at the Arena has the capacity and facilities for up to six coach services, but West Midlands Railway do not have sufficient rolling stock to operate the station at full capacity.
By Elis Sandford thanks
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