Jesús Ferrero (Zamora, 1952) se adjudico ayer el XIII premio Fernando Quiñones con la novela 'El hijo de Brian Jones'. Miguel Bayón (Madrid, 1947) fue finalista con 'Todo por ellas'. Más de 200 originales optaron al premio que crearon y amparan Unicaja y Alianza Editorial en memoria del narrador gaditano, dotado con 30.000 euros y un busto del escultor Miguel Berrocal para el ganador y 6.000 euros para el finalista. Ambas novelas serán publicadas por en los primeros meses de 2012.
La narración de Ferrero sigue la vida de Julián, que nació el año de la muerte de Brian Jones. Su padre era el jardinero y amigo del fundador y célebre guitarrista de los Rolling Stones, ahogado en su piscina durante una fiesta. Tras perder a sus padres en un accidente de tráfico, Julián se cría con su abuela en Madrid.
Estudia Letras y, espoleado por su tía, fan de los Rolling, se decide a escribir una novela sobre el 'swinging London'. Regresa a Londres para recabar información y posteriormente se instala en Nueva York, donde comienza a escribir la novela. En la ciudad de los rascacielos entablará relación con personajes como Alexis, hijo de Brian Jones, a través de quien descubrirá las circunstancias reales de la muerte de sus padres y los detalles del trágico final del mítico músico.
«Con un estilo poético, evocador y lleno de poderosas imágenes, 'El hijo de Brian Jones' nos sumerge de lleno en la mítica y fascinante era dorada del rock» avanza el jurado que la premió por unanimidad. «Sorprendente y admirable, lleva al lector a territorios inesperados y viene a hablar de la imposibilidad de la inocencia, personificada en una especie de ángel, de persona bondadosa que aparece en medio del mundo de excesos de los años sesenta» reflejó el acta.
Tras su poderosa irrupción en la narrativa con 'Bélver Yin' en 1982, ha publicado títulos como 'Opium', 'Lady Pepa', 'El efecto Doppler', 'Alis el Salvaje', 'El secreto de los dioses', 'El último banquete', 'Ulaluna', 'Amador o la narración de un hombre afortunado', 'El diablo en los ojos', 'Las trece rosas', 'Juanelo o el hombre nuevo' y 'Balada de las noches bravas'. Es también autor de dos poemarios y dos obras de teatro y del ensayo 'Las experiencias del deseo. Eros y misos'.
La novela finalista gira en torno al fotógrafo Picaflor, al guía turístico Llamas y al narrador, un 'plumilla' de las revistas del corazón a la caza de exclusivas, tres amigos que viven en Playaclara, enclave de veraneo habitual entre famosos. Sus conquistas, aventuras y desventuras amorosas ponen al descubierto en una «desenfadada y mordaz crónica no exenta de cierta crítica a la banalidad de los usos y costumbres de la España reciente». Es para el jurado «Una novela llena de humor y con un lenguaje enormemente creativo en la que el protagonista vive obsesionado por las mujeres y piensa que un abismo separa a los dos sexos y busca la forma de salvarlo».
Miguel Bayón, periodista de larga trayectoria, ha trabajado en medios muy diversos y ha publicado las novelas 'El acólito', 'Plaza de soberanía', 'Santa Liberdade' y 'Mulanga', además del libro de relatos, 'Trotacuentos' y el ensayo, 'Lautréamont'.
El jurado estuvo compuesto por Nadia Consolani -viuda de Fernando Quiñones- , por los escritores Manuel Moya -ganador de la anterior edición del premio-, Gustavo Martín Garzom el profesor José Heras, y la directora editorial de Alianza, Valeria Ciompi.
Foto en la Primere irlandesa de Stoned, una película biográfica de los acontecimientos que condujeron a la muerte de
el ex miembro de la banda Rolling Stones, Brian Jones
de izquierda a derecha: Julian Jones hijo de Brian Jones, Linda Leitch y Donovan
el ex miembro de la banda Rolling Stones, Brian Jones
de izquierda a derecha: Julian Jones hijo de Brian Jones, Linda Leitch y Donovan
Pictured at the Irish Primere of Stoned, a biopic of the events leading up to the death of former Rolling Stones band member, Brian Jones, from left to right: Julian Jones son of Brian Jones, Linda Leitch and Donovan
"Jesus Ferrero" Quiñones wins the novel 'The son of Brian Jones'
Jesús Ferrero (Zamora, 1952) was awarded yesterday XIII Fernando Quiñones prize with his novel 'The son of Brian Jones'.Bayon Miguel (Madrid, 1947) was a finalist with 'All for them.'Over 200 original award opted to set up and protect Unicaja and Alianza Editorial in Cadiz narrator's memory, endowed with 30,000 euros and a bust by sculptor Miguel Berrocal for the winner and runner-up 6,000 euros. Both novels will be published in early 2012.Ferrero's narrative follows the life of Julian, who was born in the death of Brian Jones. His father was the gardener and friend of the famous founder and guitarist of the Rolling Stones, drowned in his swimming pool during a party. After losing their parents in a car accident, Julian raised with his grandmother in Madrid.Literature and Study, spurred by his aunt, a fan of the Rolling Stones, decided to write a novel about the 'swinging London'.Returns to London to gather information and then moved to New York where he began writing the novel. In the city of skyscrapers engage with people like Alexis, son of Brian Jones, through whom discover the real circumstances of the death of his parents and details of the tragic end of the legendary musician."With a poetic, evocative and full of powerful images, 'The son of Brian Jones' immerses us fully in the mythical golden age of rock fascinating" that moves the jury unanimously awarded. "Amazing and wonderful, takes the reader into unexpected territory and comes to speak of the impossibility of innocence embodied in a kind of angel, caring person that appears within the world of excesses of the sixties" the minutes showed.After his powerful eruption in the narrative with 'Belver Yin' in 1982, has released titles such as' Opium ',' Lady Pepa ',' The Doppler effect ',' Alis the Wild ',' The secret of the gods', 'The last meal ',' Ulaluna ',' Amador and the narration of a lucky man ',' The devil in your eyes ',' The thirteen roses ',' Juanelo or the new man 'and' Ballad of the wild night. " It is also the author of two books of poetry and two plays and the essay 'The experiences of desire.Eros and commitments'.The novel revolves around finalist photographer Hummingbird, the Flames tour guide and narrator, a 'pen' of the gossip magazines on the lookout for unique, three friends living in Playaclara, summer enclave common among celebrities. His conquests, love adventures and misadventures expose a "lighthearted and poignant chronicle not without some criticism of the banality of the habits and customs of Spain recently." It is for the jury "A novel full of humor and a highly creative language in which the protagonist lives obsessed with women and thinks that a gulf separates the two sexes and seeks ways to save."Miguel Bayon, veteran journalist, has worked in very diverse and has published the novels 'The Cultists', 'Plaza of sovereignty', 'Santa Liberdade' and 'Mulanga', plus the book of stories, 'Trotacuentos' and essay, 'Lautréamont'.The jury was composed of Nadia Consolani-widow of Fernando Quiñones-, by writers Manuel Moya-winner of the previous edition of the award-Garzom Gustavo Martín Professor Jose Heras, and editorial director of Alliance, Valeria Ciompi.
Jesús Ferrero (Zamora, 1952) was awarded yesterday XIII Fernando Quiñones prize with his novel 'The son of Brian Jones'.Bayon Miguel (Madrid, 1947) was a finalist with 'All for them.'Over 200 original award opted to set up and protect Unicaja and Alianza Editorial in Cadiz narrator's memory, endowed with 30,000 euros and a bust by sculptor Miguel Berrocal for the winner and runner-up 6,000 euros. Both novels will be published in early 2012.Ferrero's narrative follows the life of Julian, who was born in the death of Brian Jones. His father was the gardener and friend of the famous founder and guitarist of the Rolling Stones, drowned in his swimming pool during a party. After losing their parents in a car accident, Julian raised with his grandmother in Madrid.Literature and Study, spurred by his aunt, a fan of the Rolling Stones, decided to write a novel about the 'swinging London'.Returns to London to gather information and then moved to New York where he began writing the novel. In the city of skyscrapers engage with people like Alexis, son of Brian Jones, through whom discover the real circumstances of the death of his parents and details of the tragic end of the legendary musician."With a poetic, evocative and full of powerful images, 'The son of Brian Jones' immerses us fully in the mythical golden age of rock fascinating" that moves the jury unanimously awarded. "Amazing and wonderful, takes the reader into unexpected territory and comes to speak of the impossibility of innocence embodied in a kind of angel, caring person that appears within the world of excesses of the sixties" the minutes showed.After his powerful eruption in the narrative with 'Belver Yin' in 1982, has released titles such as' Opium ',' Lady Pepa ',' The Doppler effect ',' Alis the Wild ',' The secret of the gods', 'The last meal ',' Ulaluna ',' Amador and the narration of a lucky man ',' The devil in your eyes ',' The thirteen roses ',' Juanelo or the new man 'and' Ballad of the wild night. " It is also the author of two books of poetry and two plays and the essay 'The experiences of desire.Eros and commitments'.The novel revolves around finalist photographer Hummingbird, the Flames tour guide and narrator, a 'pen' of the gossip magazines on the lookout for unique, three friends living in Playaclara, summer enclave common among celebrities. His conquests, love adventures and misadventures expose a "lighthearted and poignant chronicle not without some criticism of the banality of the habits and customs of Spain recently." It is for the jury "A novel full of humor and a highly creative language in which the protagonist lives obsessed with women and thinks that a gulf separates the two sexes and seeks ways to save."Miguel Bayon, veteran journalist, has worked in very diverse and has published the novels 'The Cultists', 'Plaza of sovereignty', 'Santa Liberdade' and 'Mulanga', plus the book of stories, 'Trotacuentos' and essay, 'Lautréamont'.The jury was composed of Nadia Consolani-widow of Fernando Quiñones-, by writers Manuel Moya-winner of the previous edition of the award-Garzom Gustavo Martín Professor Jose Heras, and editorial director of Alliance, Valeria Ciompi.
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